Principles of Prose

1. Relish every word

Care deeply for each word like a fertile father caring for his endless number of children. (i tried okay?) Think carefully about both denotation and connotation when choosing words. The sound and cadence of a word matters as well.

2. Aim deep, but be simple

don't think grandiose words is what makes prose. simple adjectives can and should make the cut.

small or little? loud or excited? these words matter and should also be used!

3. Take risks

avoid using overused phrases to "be safe". don't be afraid to use slang if it fits better in your writing.

4. Seek Beauty

choosing words that best fit the exact thing you are describing is sometimes better than using the more commonly understood word. (if you care most about the art of writing, sure. But [[Not every reader is at the same level of knowledge as you]] so be careful.)

5. Find the right pitch

based on context, certain phrases should not be considered. marketing can use "implementation", "functionality", etc, because that's how their industry talks. Normal people do not talk like this.

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